Meg Stark

Meg Stark — Lexington, KY — Body Structure Medical Fitness Facility

Meg Stark


Hometown - Springfield, Kentucky

Education - Lexington Healing Arts

Meg is our skilled massage therapist from Springfield, KY, with years of dedicated professional experience. Passionate about enhancing the overall well-being of individuals, Meg specializes in cupping and PNF stretching, bringing a unique blend of therapeutic techniques to cater to both golfers and business professionals in need of enhanced mobility and relaxation.


Recognizing the importance of allowing individuals to take time for themselves in a serene environment to decompress, Meg is committed to continuous learning. This commitment ensures that she remains at the forefront of therapeutic relief, offering tailored solutions to individuals seeking pain relief with a comprehensive personalized approach.

Beyond the massage table, Meg finds joy in various pursuits such as hiking, video games, reading, and indulging in the imaginative world of Dungeons & Dragons. This multifaceted approach to life is reflected in Meg's dedication to providing a holistic experience for her clients.

For those seeking a skilled and compassionate massage therapist who understands the unique needs of individuals, Meg is your provider in achieving better well-being and a more relaxed lifestyle.

Body Structure 23 Years — Lexington, KY — Body Structure Medical Fitness Facility
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